Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Piano Concerto, First Movement

This is now the first movement of my piano concerto, as I've axed the original first movement and put this (originally the second movement) in its place. Unlike a lot of pieces of mine, I rather like this one, though it sports some of the usual foibles my stuff is heir to.


  1. John, I think this is quite nice! How did you get it recorded--Finale? I wish I knew more about what you are doing with all this.


  2. Hey Jerilyn!

    Yeah, I used Finale 2007. There's probably better ways to go about making a demo recording, but this was probably the quickest and simplest. I'm actually a little surprised that it, while perhaps not sounding exactly good, doesn't sound worse.

    There's really nothing more to know about what I'm doing with it, though. I wrote it out for no clear reason except to see what it's like to write, and found it to be a weird mixture of fun, difficulty, frustration, amusement and addiction.


    - John

  3. Might you be the same John Chernoff who was a Young Musician with the Mendocino Music Festival in 1997? If so, we would like to reconnect with you to see how your life has unfolded since then as part of our history. This is our 25th Anniversary! If this is indeed the same pianist John Chernoff, who played with the Mendocino Music Festival Orchestra 14 years ago, would you be so kind to respond to me at carleton@mcn.org?

    Thank you so much,

    Carolyn Carleton

  4. Argh, I didn't notice this reply for awhile, and that email address didn't seem to work when I tried responding last year to it. Sorry! Anyhow, yep, I was at the Mendocino Festival back then.
