Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Piano Concerto, Second Movement

This is the second (originally third) movement of my first and only piano concerto. It's a bit silly, and I'm again sorry I can't quite manage to pull myself out of the 19th century.

Piano Concerto, First Movement

This is now the first movement of my piano concerto, as I've axed the original first movement and put this (originally the second movement) in its place. Unlike a lot of pieces of mine, I rather like this one, though it sports some of the usual foibles my stuff is heir to.

Piano Concerto, Zeroth Movement

I wrote a piano concerto roughly a year ago as a sort of unrealistic "out" in case the Khachaturian Concerto I was at the time learning proved too difficult.

The mp3 file below is the original first movement which I've since axed, as it's, well, just kind of awkward in too many places. Also, the recording is WAY too loud - adjust your speakers accordingly, or, better yet, just skip to the later movements. Sorry.